Meet our Staff

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Pastor James Lee, an ordained pastor and also a medical doctor by training, became senior pastor at Worthy Life in 2017 after serving as a missionary in Timor-Leste, where he provided patient care at an NGO clinic; and the Republic of Georgia, where he taught rehabilitation medicine at a medical university.  Prior to his work on the mission field, he served for more than a decade as a lay leader in the college and young adult ministries at Antioch Baptist Church in Boston.  He has his M.D. from Drexel University and his bachelor’s degree in Genetics from UC Berkeley.  Pastor James lives in Columbia, MD, with his wife Donna and their son.

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Pastor James Kim became assistant pastor and college director at Worthy Life in 2017.  Most recently, he was helping to lead the intercessory prayer ministry at the Katie Prayer and Mission House in Goesan, Korea.  He has also served on overseas missions in Uzbekistan, Russia, and Turkey, as well as in campus ministries at colleges in Los Angeles.  He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech and UC Berkeley, and he currently works as an IT support manager at a college in DC.  Pastor James and his wife Grace have two children and live in Falls Church, Virginia.